How to log into the web management page of the TL-MR3020
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Atualizado06-28-2022 08:23:54 AM268001
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The web-based management page is a built-in internal web server that does not require internet access. It does however require you device to be connected to the TP-Link router. This connection can be wired or wireless.
Note: Low version of your web browser may cause compatibility problem with the web-based interface(management page) of your device, such as unable to log into the interface, display incomplete features etc. It is strongly recommended to use a wired connection if you are going to change the router’s wireless settings or upgrade the firmware version of the router.
There are multiple working modes on the TL-MR3020.It requires different settings to access the web management page under different working mode.
In this article, we will explain how to access the web interface in different working modes.
3G/4G Mode & WISP Mode
3G/4G mode includes 3G/4G Only,3G/4G Preferred, WAN Only,WAN Preferred
Step 1:
Connect the TL-MR3020 directly to your computer’s Ethernet port by an Ethernet cable.
Step 2:
Power on the TL-MR3020 and switch it to 3G/4G or WISP mode.
Step 3:
Open a web browser such as Safari, GoogleChrome or Internet Explorer. At the top of the window in the address bar type -> Press Enter
Enter the default User Name: admin
Enter the default Password: admin
Click OK
AP Mode
AP Mode includes Access Point,Repeater,Client,Bridge with AP.
Step 1:
Connect the TL-MR3020 directly to your computer’s Ethernet port by an Ethernet cable.
Step 2:
Power on the TL-MR3020 and switch it to AP mode.
Step 3:Set up a static IP on the computer
Initial Computer Setup– For Windows OS
1) Press Windows key and R key on the keyboard at the same time to open the Run application,type in ncpa.cpl->Press OK
2) Right Click Local Area Connection or Ethernet on Windows 8 & 8.1>Select Properties > Double Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on Windows XP.
3) Select “Use the Following IP address:”
Type the following information: IP address: ; Subnet mask:>Click OK to exit->Click OK again to apply the settings.
Initial Computer Setup– For Mac OS X
Go to the Apple>System Preferences>Network> HighlightEthernet >Configure IPv4: Using DHCP with manual address
Input the IPv4 Address:
Click Apply
Step 4:
Open a Web Browser -> Type in the address bar -> Press Enter
Enter the default User Name: admin
Enter the default Password: admin
Click OK
After the configuration of AP Mode, please remember to change the IP settings back as it was before.
Computer Setup Reversion
For Windows OS
Find Local Area Connection/Ethernet again>Select Properties > Double Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on Windows XP>Select “Obtainan IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”
Click OK to exit
Click OK again to apply the settings.
For Mac OS X
Go to the Apple->System Preferences->Network-> Highlight Ethernet ->Configure IPv4: Using DHCP.
Click Apply.
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