Como configurar o Range Extender através da aplicação Tether

Guia de Configuração
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1. Faça login com TP-Link ID (cadastre-se primeiro)

Dicas de soluções de problemas:

  • No primeiro uso, se o smartphone não tiver acesso à Internet, ele não conseguirá fazer login ou criar um ID TP-Link. Portanto, primeiro conecte seu telefone à Internet e depois faça login com sua conta TP-Link.
  • Se você já fez login no Tether APP, mas deseja apenas controlar o Range Extender localmente, você pode clicar em “Criar um ID TP-Link” e depois clicar em “SKIP” no canto superior direito para ignorar a etapa de login.

  • Se não conseguir receber o e-mail de ativação, clique  aqui  para solucionar o problema.
  • Se você deseja conectar o Range Extender com fio ao seu roteador, use o modo de ponto de acesso, consulte  FAQ2852
  • Se todas as luzes estiverem acesas, mas não conseguirem ver o Wi-Fi do extensor, o extensor possivelmente está usando o mesmo nome de Wi-Fi do roteador. Conecte-se ao Wi-Fi do roteador e siga  FAQ2540  para alterar o SSID.
  • Se já configuramos o Tether APP, mas as luzes RE/2.4G/5G ainda estão apagadas:

1). Confirme se a senha do roteador está correta;

Esqueça o Wi-Fi do roteador e reconecte: como remover o perfil de rede sem fio existente no Android e iPhone

2). Vá para Ferramentas >>> Rede Principal >>> Selecione novamente Rede Principal ou Vá para Ferramentas >>> Configuração Rápida para configurar novamente;


2. Adicione um novo dispositivo


Dicas de soluções de problemas:

Se a página disser “Nenhum dispositivo encontrado”, clique no botão “Adicionar” na parte inferior para continuar a configuração.


3. Conecte o extensor próximo ao roteador e confirme se a luz de energia está acesa


Dicas de soluções de problemas:

  • Se a luz de energia estiver piscando, o extensor está sendo inicializado. Aguarde alguns minutos. Experimente uma tomada diferente se ela continuar piscando.
  • Se a luz de energia estiver completamente apagada:

1). Confirme se o botão liga/desliga do extensor foi pressionado.

2). Experimente uma tomada elétrica funcional diferente.

3). Reinicialize o Range Extender para as configurações padrão.

Como redefinir os produtos TP-Link para os padrões de fábrica

4). Entre em contato com o suporte da TP-Link para obter ajuda, se a luz de energia ainda estiver apagada.


4. Conceda permissão de localização para conexão automática de Wi-Fi. Em seguida, clique em "Conectar" para dispositivo a ser usado com Tether.


Dicas de soluções de problemas:

  • Se não houver resultados para conexão automática, volte para a página de configurações de Wi-Fi do seu telefone e conecte-se manualmente. Volte ao Tether APP e clique em “Estou conectado”.
  • Se não conseguir ver o Wi-Fi padrão do extensor, reinicie o extensor e verifique novamente a lista de redes sem fio disponíveis. Se você tiver outro telefone, verifique novamente se consegue encontrar o Wi-Fi padrão do Range Extender.

          Como redefinir os produtos TP-Link para os padrões de fábrica

  • If you can connect to the extender's default Wi-Fi, but still unable to find the extender, please refer to the troubleshooting below:

What if Tether cannot detect my TP-Link product in the “Device” Page?

If you still have trouble, please collect the phone's IP Address when connected to the extender's Wi-Fi, APP Version, phone's model, and OS, then send them to TP-Link Support for help, please also attach the fail screenshot together.

How to find IP address on your devices?


5. Create a local password to manage the extender


Troubleshooting Tips:

  • The local password is for logging into the extender in the future, not the Wi-Fi password.


1). Some old models may need to type in the username and password when first logging in. The default log-in username and password should be "admin". Then we need to change it to a more complex one later.

2). If the Tether APP asks to use underline when creating a password, you may just ignore it and just use Numbers, Uppercase, and lowercase letters.


6. Scan for 2.4G host Wi-Fi and type in the correct Wi-Fi password


Troubleshooting Tips:

  • If unable to see the host Wi-Fi:

1). Confirm the extender is next to the router;

2). Confirm your other devices are able to see the 2.4G host Wi-Fi;

3). Click on "RESCAN" on the top right one or two more times;

4). Click on “SKIP” on the top right to set up the 5G at first;

5). After the 5G is set up, it’s highly recommended to change the router's 2.4G channel to 1, 6, or 11 and use Tether APP to reconnect the 2.4G;

Go to Tools>>>Main Network>>>Reselect Main Network or Go to Tools>>>Quick Setup to configure again.

7. Scan for 5G host Wi-Fi and type in the correct Wi-Fi password


Troubleshooting Tips:

  • If unable to see the 5G host Wi-Fi:

1). Confirm the extender is next to the router;

2). Confirm your other devices are able to see the 5G host Wi-Fi;

3). Click on "RESCAN" on the top right one or two more times;

4). Click on "SKIP" on the top right to finish the setup at first;

5). After set up is finished, it’s highly recommended to change the router's 5G channel to band 1(36-48) and use Tether APP to reconnect the 5G;

Go to Tools>>>Main Network>>>Reselect Main Network or Go to Tools>>>Quick Setup to configure again.


8. Check the main network password


Troubleshooting Tips:

  • We may need to confirm that it's the correct wireless password for the main router’s Wi-Fi Password.


9. Confirm the extender settings


Troubleshooting Tips:

  • For most models, there will be an "_EXT" for the extender's Wi-Fi name. If not, it’s recommended to click on the left edit button and change the extender's Wi-Fi name to something different from the router's Wi-Fi name. So that we can find out which network our devices are connected to.


10. Applying your settings

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • The extender will reboot to apply the settings. Please wait for the lights to be solid again and check the extender's internet connection.
  • If only the power light is solid on after the reboot:

1). Reboot both the router and the extender, wait for two minutes.

2). While waiting for the reboot, we can also try to forget the router's Wi-Fi and reconnect to check whether the router’s Wi-Fi password is correct.

How to remove existing wireless network profile on Android&iPhone

3). Please try to Upgrade the Range Extender to the latest firmware and reconfigure it.

4). Confirm there are no advanced settings on the router like Mac Filtering, Access Control, etc.

5). Collect router model, a screenshot of the Status page and RE info on "Home" page, Wi-Fi Setting page, and system log after the extender is powered on for 3~5 minutes, then send all the information to TP-Link Support for help.

How to collect System Log (Optional): Go to Tools-> System-> System Log.

  • If all the lights are up but no Internet on the extender's Wi-Fi:

1). Confirm that the router's Wi-Fi has internet access.

2). Test the internet on different devices.

3). Restart the Range Extender and the router.

4). Confirm there are no advanced settings on the router like Mac Filtering, Access Control, etc.

5). Please try to Upgrade the RE to the latest firmware and reconfigure it.

6). Collect router model, a screenshot of the Status page and RE info on "Home" page, Wi-Fi Setting page, and system log after the extender is powered on for 3~5 minutes, then send all the information to TP-Link Support for help.

How to collect System Log (Optional): Go to Tools-> System-> System Log.

Collect router model, a screenshot of the Status page, and system log after the extender is powered on for 3~5 minutes, send that info to TP-Link Support for help.

  • If all the lights are lit up, but the device fails to connect to extender's Wi-Fi:

1). Confirm the extender's SSID is different from the router's.

2). Check the error message when failed to connect. If it says "incorrect password", forget the router's Wi-Fi and reconnect with the same password to test.

3). Try different devices, if other devices can connect without issue, please contact the specific device support for help at first, then send all information to TP-Link Support for help.

4). If multi-devices fail to connect, contact TP-Link Support for help.

  • Note: If the App says "No Host Connection", it's probably because the router's 5G is using the DFS channel, please try to disable Band Steering (Smart Connect) on the router, change 5G channel to Band 1(36, 40, 44, 48).


11. Confirm Location


Troubleshooting Tips:


Para conhecer mais detalhes de cada função e configuração acesse a Central  de Download  para baixar o manual do seu produto.

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