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We’re here to help!
TP-Link takes your privacy seriously. For further details on TP-Link's privacy practices, see TP-Link's Privacy Policy.
TP-Link understands your time is valuable and waiting for an agent to address your concern can daunting at times, so to help we also provide helpful FAQs , Videos and a Community Forum that can help you solve most concerns without ever having to pick up a phone, join a chat or send an email.

Note: Email service is intended for non-urgent inquiries with a typical response time of 1 business day. For product installation or configure concerns please consider using our 24 hours our Live Chat service.
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For Hong Kong, China Users
Technical Support Phone:
(852) 3614-0210
Technical Support E-mail:
Service Time:
Monday -Friday, 9:00 am-12 pm &1:30 pm -5:00 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holidays, Closed

Live Chat Agent Service Time: 9AM-5PM, Monday-Saturday (Mandarin Chinese & English)
Closed on Sunday & Public Holidays

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