Download für Tapo S210 V1.20

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>Wie finde ich die Hardware Version auf einem TP-Link Gerät?

IMPORTANT:  Model and hardware version availability varies by region. Please refer to your TP-Link regional website to determine product availability.

Setup Video

  • How to Set Up and Install Your Tapo Smart Light Switch (1 Gang 1 Way): Tapo S210

    This guide will help you set up and install your Tapo smart light switch Tapo S210. Make your traditional lighting smart with the Tapo Smart Switch. Turn your lights on and off with your voice, or control them from your phone. Thanks to the switch's battery-powered design with 1+ year battery life, enjoy the smart lifestyle without rewiring your home or replacing your current bulbs.

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TP-Link Tapo

TP-Link Tapo bietet den einfachsten Weg, um Ihre Smart-Life-Produkte zu verwalten und zu steuern.