Download für Tapo S200D V1.20

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>Wie finde ich die Hardware Version auf einem TP-Link Gerät?

IMPORTANT:  Model and hardware version availability varies by region. Please refer to your TP-Link regional website to determine product availability.

Setup Video

  • How to Replace Battery

  • How to Set Up Your Tapo Smart Button (Tapo S200B & S200D)

    This guide will help you set up your Tapo smart button. Tapo is the easy way to turn your home into a smart home. With the Tapo Hub as a bridge, Tapo Smart Button works with a wide range of Tapo accessories. So you can easily control your home from anywhere.

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TP-Link Tapo

TP-Link Tapo bietet den einfachsten Weg, um Ihre Smart-Life-Produkte zu verwalten und zu steuern.